May determination shine through

Even though the ground was a little soggy from a week of soaking rain, we pushed on with May Markets and Melodies, moving our stalls from the lawns to the balconies and rooms of the Old Museum Building…and what a day we had. The kids got to enjoy a few games of Lob-a-choc, entertaining their parents with the sugar hit. The Cake stall sold out of their goodies, with parents trying to get their sugar hit and some great bargains were had at the book stall. The yearly competition between the BBQ team and the Curry stall team (The Hot Chix) this year went to……. The BBQ team!! They may have been helped by the mystery Dan Forger?
After all of the fun was had, we all enjoyed a great concert, showcasing talent from all of the ensembles from the first part of the year.