New face and sad goodbyes

With a bit of Sadness, we send a send a fond farewell and much gratitude to Melissa Black and Rosemary Kirkman who have brilliantly guided our littlest singers in Poco Voci over the last 3 years. Leading our Poco Voci singers takes a mix of skills to keep them entertained and engaged whilst still providing expert musical direction. Melissa and Rosemary had these skills in spades and will be sorely missed.
Melissa and Rosemary have both decided to take a break from these duties to concentrate on other facets of their personal life, however, Rosemary may return for interim relief rehearsals.
QSC is delighted to welcome to Louis Dooner as our new Poco Voci Musical Director, commencing with the start of term 2. Louis joins accompanist Connie Lien to lead our youngest singers in Poco Voci. You can read his Bio on the Artistic Team page.