Fresh new face

It is always sad when loved ones move away, so it was exactly the same when Samara Marinelli announced that she would be stepping down as musical director of Vox Populus at the end of 2023. Her busy schedule that included weekly interstate commuting, meant that she had to give something up. Vox were devastated to learn that we had drawn the metaphorical short straw. Over the last 2 years, Samara had built a strong bond with Vox Populus, always knowing the right repertoire to help Vox continue to learn without scaring them, yet still pushing the envelope with a capella and jazz arrangements of popular songs. Just like a family member, she will be sorely missed.
QSC is delighted to welcome Jacob Bradford as our new Vox Populus Musical Director, commencing from 2024. Jacob joins us with a long list of accomplishments and Vox is excited to see what the next challenge will be. Jacob is just as excited to offer that challenge. You can read his Bio on the Artistic Team page.